engineering simulation
Miura is an AI-powered SaaS solution helping engineering teams to automate the process of analyzing, visualizing, and sharing engineering simulation models, reducing costs and time.
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Miura enhancessimulation engineers' efficiency
Accelerate your simulation models achieving real-time performance
40,000x faster
Empower your simulation models with a real-time performance capacity, providing instantaneous solutions for enhanced decision-making.
Optimize your models with just one click
Achieve the optimal parameter configuration for each model, tailored to your specific objectives; whether it’s minimizing mass, optimizing energy consumption, or maximizing manufacturing speed.
Save hours of work by analyzing & sharing simulation results faster
Post process automation tool
Incorporate automated tools to filter and prepare specific information from every model.
Share your simulation models with different users
Make your simulation results relevant to a wide array of team members, from fellow engineers to salespeople to operators at the factory floor.

“Miura is helping engineers to analyze different scenarios in real-time, visualizing and sharing simulation results with a simple click.”
Jordi Gómez
Cofounder of Miura Simulation
Your time is important
Simulation iterations can often be a time-consuming process in engineering. Miura is helping engineers to analyze different scenarios in real-time, visualizing and sharing simulation results with a simple click.
Personalized Workspace
Build and monitor all your simulation models in a dedicated and secured workspace.
Automated data post-processing
Utilize automated tools to filter and prepare relevant information extracted from your simulation models.
Design your own user interfaces
Create customized user interfaces to make your simulation models relevant to any user.
View simulation results on portable devices
Use your own user interfaces to visualize your simulation models online and whenever you want. All you need is a login to get started.
Share your simulation models
Share your simulation results to a wide range of colleagues, from fellow engineers all the way to sales professionals and more.

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